[ID-4216162]A splitted footnote with three lines violates keep options and makes a widow instead of an orphan
Version of Adobe InDesign
This issue appears in every InDesign versions since footnotes are supported.
Bug reports / feature requests (from CS3 up to CS6) have been ignored in the past.Steps to reproduce the issues
a) a footnote with three text lines
b) splitting footnotes allowed in the footnote options
c) keep options: at start/end of Paragraph 2/2 (2 lines at start, 2 lines at end)
Play with the textframes hight so that the footnote is forced to be splitted. It will only split 2/1, not 1/2.
Actual result
The footnots splits with 2 lines in the textframe within the footnote starts and ends with one single line (widow) in the next textframe.Expected result
a) best choice: hold the keep options!
(e.g. 2 at start / 2 at end; so don't split a footnote with 3 and less lines).
b) alternative: make an orphan (full line at the start of a footnote paragraph) instead of a widow; widows are absolutely not allowed (because they ony fill a part of a line, maybe only one word)Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
Screenshots appended

Thanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it
-InDesign Team
Alxandra Oettler commented
Please don't forget to solve this problem.
Joern Kobes commented
Three years gone but no reactions or solutions!