InDesign 14.0.2 constant spinning beachball - especially on text related commands
Working in InDesign 14.0.2 on High Sierra, (single computer home network) the programme is exceptionally slow - taking about 10 seconds (of beachballing) to select a line of copy. Clicking between objects takes 5-10 seconds also. This is happening on my Mac Book Pro and iMac, both running High Sierra - all other programmes are working normally. I have tried trashing my preferences and uninstalling etc, but nothing has improved the lagging issue. I have had to revert to the 2018 version to get my work done.
Phoebe commented
this is ridiculous . I'm on version 16.0.1 and the spinning wheel is almost a constant issue. with everything from text selection, typing to copy and paste. It renders this product unusable. PLEASE HELP
Peter Ahlstrom commented
This happens to me too on Mojave. The most common symptom for me is beachballing while selecting text.
For example, if a word is five letters, tapping the delete key 5 times is the fastest way to delete it.
Double-clicking the word to select it causes a beachball.
Holding down shift and the arrow keys also causes a beachball.
Hitting command-delete after the word in order to delete the whole word at once ALSO beachballs, because InDesign shows the word being highlighted before it deletes.Now, in a very simple document, these problems don't happen. But in a document of a few dozen pages where there are a lot of GREP styles or a lot of characters with custom kerning used, beachballs happen constantly while trying to highlight text.