Email Hyperlinks Not Responding in Published Online File
I have a document that contains some email hyperlinks throughout it. I set up the hyperlinks with the link to "email" option, and then the address as the destination. Creating a "" link.
After publishing online, when the links are clicked on, it takes the page to a "could not connect" page and does not respond correctly. BUT all email links work completely fine when copied and pasted, right click and opened up in a new tab, when clicking directly from an exported PDF, when clicking from the downloaded PDF from the published online document, etc. It's only from the direct link/web version of the published online.
When you hover over it, the link in the bottom left shows displays "". Showing 40% instead of the @. I have read other forums and articles discussing this and saying that is a glitch in Adobe that can potentially cause problems at times. Which may be the root of my problem, may not be.
I have also read about the workaround of this and I have tried changing my hyperlink from a link to "email" to an "URL" link, with the "mailto:" as the URL. That does eliminate the 40% mumbo jumbo I see in the bottom left, but the same problem occurs. Link does not work when clicking directly online from published version. Works fine all other ways. It's odd and very frustrating.
I'm using a completed updated version of InDesign CC 2019.