Import PDF Comments - New Bugs identified - Part 2
We're also facing below issues in the new feature, called 'Import PDF Comments':
(1) Formatting properties are getting removed after importing the PDFs into InDesign, for example, if editor marking the contents in Bold format, is getting removed automatically
(2) When contents are getting overset during Comments accepting, throwing error ‘Comment cannot be accepted’
(3) Unable to select the comment one-by-one thro’ COM
(4) Unable to navigate the comment to respective position in the InDesign file thro’ COM
(5) Unable to get the page numbers thro’ COM
Please let me know for any clarifications on the above given feedback.

Jonas Madsen Rogne commented
(1) is a serious issue for us. We really need to see the formatting of comments. People use basic formatting like italic/bold ALL the time, but it doesn't get imported, and just because of that we have to scroll through hundreds of comments in Acrobat just to visually search for formatting...
Raja Elumalai commented
@Adobe : Expecting positive response and quick updates for the points.
Srinivasan, Devaraj commented
This is important points, please prioritize.