IDML save changes Object Styles/Transparency Settings
When I export a package the resulting IDML and INDD files are different.
In all cases, the IDML file appears to randomly assign different transparency settings to random objects across any number of pages. One Object Style was changed to 60% opacity when it should have remained at 100%. In another a drop shadow was applied at 75% and Opacity was set to 60% for the image inside a graphic box, when neither effect had been turned on for the content of the box object.
It has taken me awhile to track down. My partner was opening idml versions of my work, and kept nagging me about "why does this look THATway?" I finally caught on that it was the IDML export being messed up.
The resulting files are rather large, containing many linked images, but if you wish I can provide the package of v15 of my project, which contains the two NOT MATCHING files in idml and indd formats. Let me know.
Thank you.
P.S. It's possible the IDML open/import process is the culprit, but since I see the same error in the same place when I open the file each time, I suspect it was exported incorrectly.
The attached screenshot shows the INDD file on the left, and the IDML file on the right. Files opened from the packaged folder after packaging.

Gordon McAlpin commented
I’ve had a similar issue, with most linked images changing from 100% opacity to… 0%. (The image frame is still there.) Finding an replacing any instance of 0% opacity with 100% opacity isn’t a huge hassle, fortunately. But it’s definitely worrisome that the IDML file does not match the original INDD…
(I’m on a Mac running macOS 15.2 and InDesign 20.1, but I had this issue with the previous version of InDesign as well.)
James Hebert commented
Sorry, version running under Windows 10, on an SSD driven system with 32GB RAM. Ryzen processor.