Space Bar Shortcut for Hand Tool
InDesign CC 2019 Running on OS High Sierra
Just started up program to find the space bar shortcut for the hand tool is not working. Checked Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 and short-cut is also not working.

Silvia DOOS commented
The following worked for me: Editting the shortcut pre-settings. I was goint nuts with this, also.
Andrea W commented
InDesign 2022...
i shut down CHROME and SAFARI, and that didn't work.
but when i closed EXCEL, that did the trick.
InDesign spacebar now works. -
Bjarte Kvinge Tvedt commented
Still a bug, indesign 2022... I dont get why this keeps coming back to every singel version of indesign I have ever had.
Adobe Monopoly User commented
This is F'ng infuriating... just got a new laptop, and can't figure out what is causing this. Why is this still a problem YEARS later?! No matter what software I quit, the shortcuts don't come back until I restart, so I can't figure out what may be causing the conflict.
Annette Price commented
Bjarte Kvinge Tvedt commented
same, after quitting etc. This has been a problem for years. Why is it so hard to fix it?
Antonio Martinez commented
Same issue, so frustrating!!!
FIX THE ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack commented
Same issue for me
Tiffaney B commented
The hand tool shortcut intermittently working has been a problem for several versions now. FIX IT PLEASE!
carla pinto commented
The same, came from nothing. Version 16.0.2.
Alyssa commented
This problem is happening for me.. updated to Big Sur and now I cannot move with space and mouse. indesign version 16.0.2
Remko commented
Same here but Adobe InDesign 15.1.2
LRSmith commented
Quitting the web browser worked but not a good workaround. Please fix.
Heather commented
I have a new macbook pro with new CC softwear and NOT using Chrome, so what is the real issue? Been using this since ID Version 1.o its a GoTO and must have.
Cyrus Crossan commented
Hey Adobe, THIS IS NOT OKAY! Closing your browser is not an efficient nor appropriate solution.
Travis B. commented
What if all web browsers are closed and the problem persists? The only fix at the moment is a full restart until it inevitably comes back again.
EDIT: I found a fix here that has worked for me -
Anonymous commented
Bug is back and worse than ever in ID 2020. It's because Chrome is open.
Bertrand commented
I've the same problem on InDesign CS5 (French Version). The shortcut doesn't exist ! :-(
Bastian S. commented
Close all your webbrowsers and try again.