Keyboard input problem
Windows 10. ID 14.0.1
This is similar to the 'missing first character' issue many of us have seen in the past. What happens, randomly, your keyboard input doesn't quite work. You can try various shortcuts and they simply will not work. You have to create (or go into) a text box, type some text.. and THEN keyboard shortcuts will suddenly work again.
Acrobat does the same thing.
Very annoying that when you think you've saved a file that it has NOT been saved.. you only find out when going to close a file that your 'ctrl S' did not work.

Anonymous commented
I have a similar problem in that sometimes when I open a file all of a sudden my shortcuts/ delete/ arrow keys etc dont work. I have to quit Indesign and reopen to fix.
Heinrich Helmbold commented
Not just shortcuts... The Delete key doesn't work. Arrow Keys don't work... A Reboot doesn't fix this but the keys work perfectly in other applications. Adobe is the master of breaking what was working!