A few of pages are generated as the empty page in the exported PDF file from time to time
When I try to generate my INDD file to PDF via the Export to PDF function of InDesign, a few of pages are generated as the empty page.
. This happens from time to time (not always), even though I perform it with same file. (For example, if I retry to generate the PDF file without any amendment in the INDD file, this problem is fixed.)
. Here, "empty page" means that all object is not shown on those pages - doesn't mean that the objects moves to the next pages.
. I am using x64 build with Windows 7.
I am sending all files to be used via the link of https://heartsome-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/danny_heartsome_co_kr1/EejzrbrCFu1MkBCq1r3Yxv8BFqjkiJ4GTh0yg08gM7hCUA?e=VCS6bq (Due to the file size limit, I could not attach it into this post.)
. T-TYPERF9000JCDA68-03194N-05CFRProblem.pdf: be generated with the blank pages (on page 4 - 5)
. T-TYPERF9000JCDA68-03194N-05CFRRegenerated.pdf: be generated once again without any amendment
. HeartsomePrint.joboptions: be used as the PDF Export setting
. Package folder: source files
Danny Bae commented
When I try to generate my INDD file to PDF via the Export to PDF function of InDesign, a few of pages are generated as the empty page.
. This happens from time to time (not always), even though I perform it with same file. (For example, if I retry to generate the PDF file without any amendment in the INDD file, this problem is fixed.)
. Here, "empty page" means that all object is not shown on those pages - doesn't mean that the objects moves to the next pages.
. I am using x64 build with Windows 7.I am sending all files to be used on this issue like the attached ones.
. T-TYPE_RF9000JC_DA68-03194N-05_CFR_Problem.pdf: be generated with the blank pages (on page 4 - 5)
. T-TYPE_RF9000JC_DA68-03194N-05_CFR_Regenerated.pdf: be generated once again without any amendment
. HeartsomePrint.joboptions: be used as the PDF Export setting
. Package folder: source files