pen tool
When modifying a container box by adding points with the pen tool, the points wont select individually and the pen changes to the hand tool and will only select the object in the container. At first I thought it might be my Wacom, but the mouse also will not select points as (option pen) or using the point selection tool.
At the same time when trying to clip an object set to transparency, so an object below can be seen so I can clip around it. The object becomes opaque making the task impossible.
I am running a the latest updates available an my OS is current with Mojave's latest update.
Indesign has become unusably slow and I spend 5 times more time watching the beachball of death than getting anything done. My clients don't care, they only know I'm not getting their work done. After 25+ years as a hardcore Adobe Fan, I'm beginning to lose faith, and have had to look at other software for solutions for my company.
Currently there are almost 1400 serious bugs listed for the current release of Indesign alone listed on the Adobe site. With a constant stream of updates adding more bugs before addressing the existing issues. If this is considered acceptable by Adobe for the sake of my clients and business I must look for other solutions. I'm not a new user. Far from it, and serious bugs making Adobe products unusable for days, and weeks on end has become the norm and not the exception.
I don't need you programs to "Wipe my Butt" for me, I just need them to work like they used to. When the cloud goes down. Everyone goes down. More care is necessary before a new release.
Sorry for the harsh words, but in '94 I was an original Beta Tester for PS3 and still have my original copy. I love Adobe!!! Please don't force me to go back to CS6.

Rich Palmer commented
P.S. In '94, one bug was one too many. 1400 would have been a complete rewrite. What happened?