Effects not working correctly
Some of the "effects" (inner glow, outer glow, basic feather, etc.) do not work as they are supposed to. For example, I cannot get the "outer glow" effect to apply only to text, it either applies itself to the whole object or it applies a very faint glow that can hardly be seen and that no amount of adjusting will fix (yes, I know that I have to choose "text" from the drop-down menu and unclick the effect for the "object"). And, just now (11/8/2018, 1:30 pm), I was trying to apply a gradient feather to just the "fill" of a text box and it did absolutely nothing. The box is still completely full of opaque color no matter what I do. Sometimes an effect will work in one area or section of my project and not in others. I like the effects, but I sure wish they worked more consistently.

Eddie Deighton commented
Working in 19.4 and Effects still do not refresh correctly or at all when applying to text boxes and trying to make adjustments to Technique, Spread, etc. Sometimes it works if I switch Preview on and off but if you add more than one text box, it totally gives up. Also, if you change leading or point size of the text block, the previous Effect stays in the background. The only way to make it update correctly is to close the file down and reopen it, which is ridiculously time consuming. I wish Adobe would stop adding superfluous tools and gimmicks to the software and concentrate on optimising and refining what’s already there - it’s a constant frustration. If you persist in shoe-horning AI into the apps, how about training it to recognise how to help speed up the software and actions we use already?
Lakshmi.B commented
Hi, I am Having an issue with basic feather. A sharp edges are visible while giving feather. Can anyone help with this please.
I cannot add a shadow to a white text box.
Augustine commented
I was having similar problems. Indesign would glitch and show oversized dropshadow on every object it was applied to. Then when I save the pdf, the shadows were gone.
RodneyL commented
Indesign CC 2018/17 is adding effects by itself, where there were none.
I remove then, then reopen the document later, and they are back. My example is 'outer glow' applied to a box. I have to keep deleting the effect, over and over.
It seems this effect my have been applied to the objects in the past, and CC 2018/17 remembers this, then reapplies it when the document is opened again.
Very annoying. Happens to multiple objects all over a long document.