The EPS saved from Indesign will not open It is saying error if opened in Illustator or in Photoshop saying unable to parse postscript
Adobe CC
1.Saved file as normal
2.Export to EPS
3.To be able to open EPS in Illustrator
4.Tried open it to Illustrator or Photoshop and detailed as above error or unable
5. Screenshot of error and Indesign file

Uwe Laubender commented
FWIW, this report was done in August 2018.
Suggestion, if the client wants an EPS that can be opened in Adobe Illustrator ( for whatever reason ) do the following:Export to PDF/X-4 with no downsampling of images or color conversion.
Open the PDF in Acrobat Pro and use Acrobat's Preflight to convert all text to outlines.Then you could open the PDF in Adobe Illustrator.
NOTE: At that point you have to decide to what color space ALL the elements in the PDF should be converted to. RGB or CMYK. There is no other choice.After you opened the PDF and decided the color space, you could save as AI file or even export to EPS that a customer is able to open with Illustrator.
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional ) -
annemarie commented
The EPS saved from Indesign will not open It is saying error if opened in Illustator or in Photoshop saying unable to parse postscript
Adobe CC
1.Saved file as normal
2.Export to EPS
3.To be able to open EPS in Illustrator
4.Tried open it to Illustrator or Photoshop and detailed as above error or unable
5. Screenshot of error and Indesign file -
annemarie commented
The EPS saved from Indesign will not open It is saying error if opened in Illustator or in Photoshop saying unable to parse postscript
Adobe CC
1.Saved file as normal
2.Export to EPS
3.To be able to open EPS in Illustrator
4.Tried open it to Illustrator or Photoshop and detailed as above error or unable
5. Screenshot of error and Indesign file -
annemarie commented
I will repost the forum and try to add these details.
annemarie commented
Sorry it wont let me now add the images and fonts now to the forum
annemarie commented
I can't use a PDF as that's not what the client wants. PDF isn't the problem as that works. its the EPS that isn't working so I dont understand how you can get it to work?
annemarie commented
So why do think I'm having the problem then as I cant? I need to send this EPS to a client and if I can't open it and I had a colleague also test my Indesign and do it and they couldn't what is going on?Thankyou for looking in to this for me I appreciate it
Uwe Laubender commented
FWIW: I had no problem exporting to EPS with PostScript 3 and render the EPS with PhotoShop CS6 or PhotoShop CC 2018. I'm on Windows 10 (1803).
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Uwe Laubender commented
As a workaround export the document to PDF/X-4 and open that with PhotoShop.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi annemarie,
if someone likes to test this case you have to provide images and used fonts as well.Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )