InDesign produces 'failed to open the pdf file' error when importing pdf with dotted lines
Using InDesign v13.1 on a MacBook Air (12 inch, 2017) running iOS 10.13, importing a .pdf generated using attached MS Powerpoint file LA02examplerunFigure.pptx resulted in 'failed to open the pdf file' error if the lines added to the graphic are dotted lines as shown (see attachment). Changing these lines to solid lines before exporting to .pdf solved this (see 'LA02examplerunFigure(noDotted).pptx). Upon experimentation, addition of any dotted line to the graphic in Powerpoint results in this error when the file is exported to a .pdf and imported to InDesign.

troyjack commented
I see that my issue was merged with this one, although it seems to be a completely separate issue. I get the popup when zero files are open in Indesign, and while I am working in other applications with Indesign hidden or minimized. I'll also add that due to company policy, we never place PDF files into Indesign because of some incidents that occurred many years ago. The message I am getting is "failed to EXPORT" rather than "failed to OPEN".
Running on OS 10.13.6. -
troyjack commented
Indesign randomly - and seemingly out of nowhere - pops up the "failed to export to pdf" message, even when no Indesign files are currently open, and even when I am working in another application. When it pops up it interrupts whatever app I am currently working in. This time it happened while I was working in Acrobat Pro DC (working with a file that has no origin in Indesign)
Version 15.0
Cannot reproduce, as it happens at random -
Anonymous commented
This is exactly what is happening to me.