'Move Pages' causes the position of content to shift to the right on right-side pages, master same for both files
'Move Pages' causes the position of content to shift to the right on right-side pages, even though the master pages are the same for both files.
I am trying to take several page sets and combine them in one file, but I have to manually fix them after moving the pages over. Very concerning as I'm not sure if anything else is breaking or getting lost in the move.

Matt S commented
I am having this same issue, but pretty sure it relates to spreads: the first RHS page is fine, but subsequent ones are moved to the right about the "inside" margin.
I finally figured out (it's cludgy, but will do for now) that if I move>copy pages AS spreads (with extra pages at either the start or the end of the selected pages to ensure I'm moving complete spreads) the layout is unaffected. Then of course I have to remember to remove the unwanted right/left pages at the start of each set I've copied; but that's significantly less work (and less risky) than having to re-align all the RHS pages after the page merge.