book sync object-format does not work as it should
InDesign CC 2018 (13.1)
MacOSX 10.12.6
We often use the InDesign book functionality for very large and complex documents. In these documents we use also a nested/grouped object for images containing a frame for image caption and a frame for the image. Where the caption frame does not have a contour, the frame for the image has a contour. For every frame we have created an appropriate named object format. As long we use this nested/grouped objects in a single document, the appropriate object formats work as espected. When we use a clone of this "master" document for further book document, the object-format work as expected. When we do a book synchronization with the sync option "object format" enabled, the image frames attributes for the contour is overwritten (the contour is disabled) in all following book documentes, but for the master document - the object format name gets a "+". Only if we disable the sync option for "object format", the object format is not overwritten (obviously), but with the loss of the possibility to propagate to all following book documents any realy wanted change to object formats in the master document. I can't see any justification for this behavior - by the way in the case some one forgets to disable the sync option for "object format" it can cause a real "mess" as after a sync all image frames have to be corrected manually (may be over hundreds of objects) as there is noway to search and replace/reapply an object format.
With best regards, André

Uwe Laubender commented
Hi André,
downloaded your sample book file and tested a bit.
At one occassion I could synch the fill color; but unfortunatelly I cannot repeat that.
Synching stroke width and stroke color did not work.Perhaps the main reason is that the objects to synch with are part of a nested structure.
In your case they are part of a group.Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Anonymous commented
Overrides on Objects Styles when synchronizing.
Object styles: I have all the overrides (that I tested) holding, BUT the XY coordinate.
My imperfect solution is to remove the XY position from the Object Styles — I want to be able to sync, but can we please fix this?
Uwe Laubender commented
Also see this InDesign forum thread about the issue that synchying object styles will always clear style overrides:
synchronizing book clears some style overrides
lucykafka, Feb 11, 2021,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Anonymous commented
I have another problem when synchronizing object styles.
All the objects in synchronized files are being Cleared Overrides. I cannot find a way to prevent it.Windows7 / CC2018
Andre Mueller commented
It is not an idea, its a bug / malfunction.