Endnotes and multi-language layers
InDesign CC 13.1
As a long-time user of ID, I want to report what looks to me like a serious bug.
Working on a multi-language book project for the first time since the endnotes feature was introduced, I noticed that when importing the second language on a separate layer (as I have been doing for many years without any problems) the endnotes are imported with correct references in the text but the notes themselves lose their numbers, showing the dreaded <?> instead.
Trying to work around the problem using David Blatner's DTP tools' "import layers" feature gives the same result.
It is my experience that the Introduction of the second language with its notes also jumbles up the arrangement of the notes of the first language (which were alright to begin with).
Since we are making books in simultaneously published language editions all the time, the possibility to combine the use of both endnotes and layers is crucial. Now, in the middle of the project I had to revert to the old ways with separate files for separate languages, which is a pain as you can imagine.
I would even settle for forgoing the assets of the endnotes function and working with "dead" endnotes—as I have been doing for so many years—in order to regain the benefit of using layers, but, unfortunately, this version of ID does not allow me to import the notes as normal text.
Thanks for your help.

Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Paul,
I tested a lot with langauage layers and endnotes.
Don't think there is a good solution at all. Not with the concept how endnotes are working currently.
It's better to switch to a workflow where one document goes with one single language.Don't think the issue is a bug.
The issue is due to a design decission adding the endnotes feature to InDesign.Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )