Unable to apply multiple character styles after last update
I used to be able to select a piece of text, then open the Character Styles panel and select multiple character styles using the control key. I can successfully click. However, the styles selected are not retained. Only the first style I had selected is still applied. This is a huge bug affecting my impending book publishing.
I even cross confirmed it with two simple character styles - one [embolden] and one [italica] (aka bold and italic) expecting to be able to select both.
This DID work around October 2017 - we just did not notice that it had stopped working until March 2018 as we went thru final edits.

Anonymous commented
i don't think it was ever an option. But it's SO flipping annoying. As some one wrote in one of the forums, just put in an alert that will show/prevent conflicts and whenever a conflict exists, the most-recently-applied style overrides the others, or smth of that sort.
Dominique Razafindrazaka commented
Yes it works, just see the picture attached. GREP is the only way I know to mix different caracter styles.
David B commented
InDesign never allowed you to apply more than one character style to text. This has been a long-standing wish-list item, though.