Updating table of contents causes a previously placed graphic to be placed in the table of contents
Updating the table of contents causes InDesign to place a previously placed Illustrator file into the table of contents area. It also adds a new link in the document for this duplicated graphic.
I'm running Windows 10 on a Dell Precision 670 workstation with 32 Gb of ram and a few terrabytes of storage.

Kelly Vaughn commented
I suspect that's happening because the graphic is anchored in a paragraph that is referenced in the TOC styles. I wrote about that here: https://indesignsecrets.com/how-to-incorporate-chapter-thumbnail-images-into-an-auto-generating-table-of-contents.php If you put that graphic either unanchored, or anchored into it's own paragraph using a type that's not referenced in the TOC styles, that should fix the problem.