InDesign 2018 can't differentiate between two similiar font names
Our company works with two fonts called "CalloutTS" and "CalloutTS2". They are similiar, but not the same. For years everything worked fine. But since the CC 2018 update, InDesign can't differentiate between these two fonts anymore. You can now only select "CalloutTS". But depending on which computer your working on it randomly shows either the glyphs of "CalloutTS" or of "CalloutTS2". InDesign reads the font name of "CalloutTS2" now also as "CalloutTS" and can't decide which font to show. It seems like a simple digit isn't enough anymore to differentiate between two font names. This is a huge problem because the fonts are really similiar but some characters are totally different.
The same problem occurs in Illustrator and Photoshop CC 2018.
When I switch back to CC 2017 everything works fine but it's not possible for everyone involved to switch back to the old version.