Un-asked for CC Adobe applications running in stealth mode continually bring my Mac to a complete stop for seconds at a time.
Please stop loading my 2009 MacPro / Yosemite / 20GB RAM with stealth Adobe apps that make my computer impossible to use.
I do not need TypeKit, I do not need any of this stuff you force me to have running in the background when I have CC InDesign running. Your apps are killing my productivity, not "enhancing" it.
I am a book designer, I don't use much of your fancy stuff. The only way I can get any work done is to open my clients' files in CC, save the IDML, then quit the CC version and go back to using my perfectly useable CS6 InDesign.
I see no reason to attach a file. I've been using Adobe applications since Illustrator 88 and am one of your most-experienced users. My files are not causing any problems. The problem is the stealth apps that show up in my Mac's Activity Monitor. Once I quit the CC InDesign version (I've installed 2014 and 2017) and restart the Mac, your problematical stealth apps do not reappear... until I boot CC2014 or CC2017 again. Please give us the option of turning off these stealth applications! I beg of you! Please listen! Please!

This issue is not related to InDesign per se. It is generic with Adobe applications. Users are asking not to load services like Typekit, etc while working on Adobe apps as this is slowing them down.