Bad preview in colours palette build. Indesign shows a bad preview of the colours, shows jumbled text, also crashes the application if trying to change the colour in the palette.

Toby Nelson commented
This has just started happening on the latest version to me - 16.4. All the graphics on the dialogue window are jumbled up, it won't allow me to select process colours and it crashes when I try and change any values.
Susan commented
CC2018 Indesign (v. 13.1): Swatch Options panel corrupts when I mouse over ANPA Color in Color Mode dropdown. Also produces multiple copies of Color Mode list within in the dropdown.
Only way to fix is to Quit Indesign completely and restart the application.
Anonymous commented
Anybody found a fix for this? Mine is doing the same and it's really irritating not to be able to change colours. Is it work resetting the prefs file?
Katerina commented
I have the same problem.
Is there a way to fix it. I cannot find something. -
Debra Lamp commented
This is happening to me also. How do I fix it? Can't get at CMYK option palette only Pantone shows up
Heather Peters commented
When I double-click on a swatch in the Swatches panel, the sliding scalea for the individual CMYK colors are being overlapped/covered up by a Pantone display:
Adobe InDesign CC 2017.1 Release Build