Profiles equal to the Output-Intend get lost on PDF-Export
When exporting a PDF all profiles equal to the Output-Intend (which in my case is the Document-Colorspace PSO Coated V3) get lost when exporting.
I have created a small test-file with an PSO Coated V3 Image and an ISO Coated V2 Image.
When Exporting as PDF X4 with Output-Intend Set to PSO Coated V3 the Image that IS PSO Coated V3 looses its profile and the same for the ISO Coated V2 when the Output-Intend is set to that.
This is horrible for Colormanagement. I've been in contact with "Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG" and they suggested to report this to Adobe as a bug.
They way it is you can not differenciate between images that don't have a profile and images that already have the correct profile. As a result all images get converted again in prepress - even those that already are in the correct profile.
If you have any further questions feel free to ask and i'll help out as good as i can :)

rwillfahrt commented
This is just as it is supposed to be from my pov. Each PDF/X-compliant file needs an output intent, no matter what PDF/X version. Whenever the document and a placed single picture are the same, the picture is set to „deviceCMYK“ during PDF export, dropping the pic's original ICC-profile, because the icc-profile is already embedded as the output intent’s icc-profile.
Bastian Saris commented
This can be deleted...