Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
492 results found
List of types of caption meta-data not alphabetically sorted
The list is not sorted alphabetically.
1 vote -
Can't change page after selecting an XML node, until setting focus to the main page area
Summary: After selecting a node in the XML tree, double-clicking any of the page thumbnails or master page thumbnails has no effect. The page won't change until I click on the main page area.
Steps to reproduce (in Windows):
1. With a document open in Indesign CC, open the XML Structure pane.
2. Double click on any of the page thumnails in the "Pages" palette.
Expected result: I exepct the page to load, that I double clicked.
Actual result: Nothing happens.2 votes -
Glyphs panel scroll doesn't work in CC2017
Fix scroll feature in Glyphs panel; it worked in CC 2015. Broken in CC2017 on both Mac and Windows.
9 votesPlease update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.
grey box under workspace tab
I have a grey dialog box that appears under the workspace selection tab, and Im not sure how to make it go away. There is now dialogue in the box ever. Thanks everyone!
5 votes -
There is a chance you close your file without knowing you have not saved it!
It is very simple, just follow the steps below:
Create a new file.
Type a letter (lets say "A" for example) and save your file.
Change the letter to "B" [Notice the "*" beside the file name and the "Save" Option being enabled in the file menu, since the file has been changed]
Save the file again. ["Save" command and "*" disappear]
Now, undo the last change (Back to "A") and save.
Now if you redo the change, you will have "B" in the screen, Notice that the file has changed since your last save, but you neither see the…
1 vote -
Horizontal page display in Pages pane should be spine aligned
When View Pages Horizontally is chosen in the Pages pane, the ('floating left'—CSS speak) spread thumbnails should all align on their spines, making the first odd-numbered page flushed to the right as the even page to the left.
1 vote -
import options are collapsed (CC2017)
when importing a file, the import options are collapsed, so you always have to check if the "import options" are marked. can reproduce. should be uncollapsed like the versions before.
4 votesPlease update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.
hotkeys aren't working
displaying high quality images
export fileThe hotkey for both of these features is not working most of the time.
Also, hitting enter for saving files in the save window isn't working either. But it does work in Illustrator.
1 vote -
Personalization of the Fontsize is not working in the Main Menu
I have issues with glasses and therefore set the fontsize of menus etc higher, however in the main menu Indesign is just ignoring me, while in the sub menu it works fine. Plus in the formats and other tool boxes it isn'T working either. Please fix, it makes working with this program harder than it should be.
1 vote -
Increase space in "Delete Style" replacement dialog box
If I am deleting/replacing Styles that are in folders, there is not enough room to show the entire Style name in the dialog box where I am supposed to choose a replacement Style. I can only see a handful of characters in the name. If I can't see what Style is being replaced, how can I choose a replacement?
This only seems to happen if the folder name is longer than a few characters. I am running Windows 10 and CC 2017.11 vote -
[ID-4250752][MAC]Page numbers cut-off in Page panel when viewing in Horizontal mode
Currently on Mac OS Big Sur using inDesign 16.1
When viewing the pages panel in horizontal view and the page count exceeds what the panel can hold the scroll bars appear but then the last row of pages seem to have their page numbers hidden behind the UI and are not visible no matter how much you move the scroll bars down.
I have seen this behavior since inDesign 15 on Mac OS Catalina.
0 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Import dialog box drag and drop
We used to be able to bring up the import dialog (or open, or save as too) and then drag and drop a file or folder from the Finder to be able to either go to that folder or import that file. Since upgrading to Mojave and InDesign 14.0.1 that functionality no longer works. Sometimes it does but mostly it doesn't.. It now copies whatever you've dragged into the currently open folder in InDesign. This was a real time saver before and is now a pain. It may be an Apple thing but I thought I'd post it here to…
0 votes
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