Useful feature request: Edit with... Photoshop/Illustrator with an Indesign Spread/Page overlay
I would like to see an option to Edit with Photoshop or Illustrator with an Overlay, optionally at an opacity, of rest of the Indesign page/spread elements. This would aid in area retouching/color adjustments where you need to know exactly where the items are on the page in relation to the image/vector.
Often I have to darken areas in an image behind type in Indesign and using a brush is often guess work. I have tried drop shadows and glows in the past with mixed results but usually to get specific letters to show over an image I have to brush to darken in Photoshop. Occasionally, I have had to export the pages as PDF import into Photoshop to get the precise placement I need.
Affinity has features that accommodates this ability.

Jon commented
Perhaps the functionality could be like when you edit a smart filtered object in Photoshop and it opens a new window with a temporary image to edit and saves it back into the original image? Ideally, there should be an option to save as new image and auto import it back into Indesign. This feature should be smart so if image is added to the sides it does not scale when the adjusted image is re-placed.