Indesign 2024 not working with window-snapping apps
I recently upgraded to InDesign 2024. I use BetterSnapTool to arrange my app-windows in order to have a efficient and practical workflow. But InDesign 2024 does not work with BetterSnapTool (BST) or any other window-snapping apps due to this reason I received from the BST support:
"Unfortunately all window manager apps on macOS are affected by this, Adobe has broken their window resizing behavior in their recent updates. Their products do not respond correctly to window resizing requests using the macOS Accessibility API anymore. As of now I don't think there is anything I can do to fix this. If possible please also report to Adobe, they would need to fix this in their apps."
BST works with every other application. I have reset InDesign preferences, but it still does not work properly. Therefore I still use InDesign 2023, since BST works perfectly fine with that application. The problem is that when I for instance snap ID2024 to 2/3 of the screen and I put another application in 1/3 of the screen (so far it works) but when I go to the 1/3 app and copy information and return to ID2024, ID2024 goes back to full screen again. Very annoying and it destroys my workflow. Adobe please fix this! I enclose a short videoclip to show how badly it behaves...