InDesign Cannot Artifact Leader Dots (Accessibility)
InDesign has no way of artifacting leader dots. This can only be done in PDF. Leader dots are commonly used in tables of contents to guide the reader's eye from the end of the entry to the page number. Leader dots are voiced by access technologies such as screen readers and force users with disabilities to hear, "DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT ..." If they are not artifacted. This is a painstaking process that requires InDesign users to learn PDF Remediation, a highly specialized skillset that is typically outside the role of the average Graphic Designer. Currently, the process for artifacting leader dots is to ind the first leader dot in the Tags tree. Right click on it and choose Show in Content Panel. Expand the content containers until you find the first set of leader dots. Right click on them and choose “Create Artifact.” Ignore the options panel and click “OK” to set the artifact. Repeat with all other leader dots. This issue affects EVERY SINGLE InDesign user who is required to make accessible content. Please make artifacting leader dots an option within InDesign so painstaking remediation is not required.