Buttons and forms (Interactive) panel needs revamping
The panel is barely usable in it's current form for anything more than a few buttons per page due to not being able to increase the height and width of the panel, especially the visibility section when a button is highlighted. At the bare minimum this needs to be resizable so that more can be seen so that linking and adjusting the on/off states of buttons can be performed more easily.
Ideally, the panel needs an overhaul so that multiple buttons can be shift+selected so that they can be set to be called before being visible by default, or switched on or off as needed. It'd would be greate if additional flag settings could be applied to a button so that we can filter/sort the view of the interactive elements on a page from within the panel itself.
Best case scenario would be an entirely revamped digital/interactive workflow suited to this decade, pulling in what you've learned from XD and everything else so that we can more easily generate engaging digital output from our production run content!

Lamar Jones commented
BADDDDDDDLY NEEDED!!!! Especially when you're clicking and trying to keep track of Show/Hidden/Ignore icons for a list of buttons.
Rob Hutchings commented
Appreciate this is a duplicate of the following but hoping to get some new traction!