UI setting grayed out/can't use at necessary screen resolution
I use a very large TV monitor, so I can see all my work, and as such, the screen res is higher, but your UI scaling feature is grayed out, and info says it's because of my screen res, so does not allow those settings. It's the only software I own that does not enlarge UI along with everything else. Do you not think that if we need a larger screen, we don't also need a larger interface??? We are not all squinting at laptops when we design books. As such, I can't make out the panel and menu options/ text. My eyes aren't what they used to be, and it causes lots of eyestrain and headaches (literally) and is the reason I stopped using ID years ago. I came back hoping that in 2023, they'd have fixed this, but NO. I pay for the use of Adobe products, and I expect them to be usable, and this is not the case with ID.