Update the Review Panel
I have been using Share for Review for a couple of years now.
First: Kudos to Adobe for the recent update to the website tools, especially the login banner and the zoom buttons.
There are still a few things that I would suggest changing on the app side, specifically to the review panel and the window from the share drop down:
-Can we add an update button to the review panel? Or, even better, when you save (NOT Save As) have an option to update the review during the save process? Better than digging into the share windowpane just to do an update.
-Can we have a toggle to hold comment changes in ID until the review is updated? Had a couple of times where reviewer goes "Where is my comment?" because I resolved the comment but had not yet updated review.
-For the share settings windowpane, how about putting a comment toggle on the IDs in the invite list, with the owner automatically ON and guest commentator automatically OFF? And maybe a toggle for allowing just replies to existing comments? Again, better than having to drill down an extra menu and windowpane to control comment access.