Instead of allowing objects to leave the pasteboard, just move them to the edge of the pasteboard
I often place and then resize images in InDesign. Very often when I go to resize an image, I get the error "This would cause one or more objects to leave the pasteboard" and I can't actually resize all the way down to a manageable size—I have to move the entire image somewhere random and try to resize, or just resize in increments, move the image, and resize again.
I understand that I don't want objects to leave the pasteboard. But if an object is about to leave the pasteboard, why can't it just move to the edge of the pasteboard instead?
Anchored objects can have a setting where they are not allowed to leave the column boundaries on the page. It seems like there should be a way to make objects not be allowed to leave the pasteboard regardless of its XY coordinates. If the user tries to set XY coordinates (or makes a change that would also change the XY coordinates) to something outside of the pasteboard range, the XY coordinates of the object should instead be set to just inside the pasteboard range.