Larger area when moving page/spreads or duplicating via alt drag
Make the area for "dropping" a page/spread larger and on above and below pages/spreads.
The current area to "drop" a page/spread is small and inconsistent (see attached video). It also limited to the left or right of a page/spread, NOT above or below.
Move or duplicate a page to a specific location in the document, more efficiently.
Duplicate page command sends the duplicate to the end of the document, which typically needs to be moved to another location in the document, thus highlighting the issue regardless of moving or duplicating via alt/option drag.
Select a page/spread.
(Hold Alt/Option, if duplicating)
Click and hold mouse/trackpad.
Drag page/spread to desired location in document.
Hover over existing page/spread until vertical line appears left or right of the page/spread.
Hover towards desired location before or after existing page/spread.
Release mouse/trackpad.
When moving or alt/option dragging a page/spread the resulting area to drop the page/spread is:
1. Consistent
2. Larger, especially to the right of the existing page/spread.
3. Includes above and below a spread.