Rename "Parent Pages" to "Master Pages" again.
For workflow reasons only, please: Bring us the OPTION to use the word: "Master Page" again. We support inclusiveness, but this is too much!
This initial idea only had 4 votes and you changed it.

Mike D. commented
Andre - while that might be true, that doesn't change the UI terminology - it's still called a "Parent" in terms of the title of the object. See my screenclip (InDesign 18.2)
I still believe the time spent changing this terminology within the UI, changing all the help resources, webpages and other references regarding the Pages Palette, could have been better spent fixing the performance bugs and crashes and bloat that STILL cause productivity loss for the user. Especially when the 4 votes for this subject pale into insignificance to the several hundreds who suffer daily from crashes, slow-downs and spinning beachball performance on both top-line Intel and Apple Silicon devices.
PH commented
Daniel Crandall commented
"parent" was a foolish choice by someone trying to flex within the company. It in no way includes more people, and words don't hold offense on their own. If people want to be offended they will find something. Adobe caved into the idiotic movement. The pages are simply Master and *****. They might as well call them "Lord" and "subject" while they are being stupid about it. "Parent is actually the wrong implication because it doesn't produce any offspring. :/ They could replace "Based on" with "parent"… that would make a little sense at least! …
Lindgren commented
Restore the name "Master Pages" in InDesign. Or use one of the many possible throughly non-anthropomorphic words to indicate this throughly non-human software function. The assumption that the word "parent" is emotionally neutral to all InDesign users is terribly presumptuous, to say the least.
Mike D. commented
Agree - if we are talking about inclusiveness: not everyone can be a parent... But anyone can be a boss...
"Master page" makes more sense from a terminology viewpoint. How many people (until now) have seen GUI elements with gender/race/historical overtones? I know I never have...
Does this now we have to change the titles of all "controller-controlled" terminologies?
Andre commented
It IS possible to rename the pages back to "Master" manually. Simply right-click on the name of the Parent Page, select "Parent Options for [name of parent page]" and change the name!