Automatic page shuffling on books (indb) should be opt-in
InDesign automatically changes numbering of files listed on a indb book.
That's handy but may easily lead to disasters and should be an opt-in
Sometimes I only create indb books when I'm near to finish a book. Each file is already numbered correctly and chapters begin on even pages.
If I'm adding files to my indb one by one and unknowingly skip one of them, InDesign automatically changes page numbering on my files. The problem is that InDesign will also shuffle pages and save files as soon as I add them to my indb.
On simple text books, that doesn't do much harm. But books with complex layouts simply break if shuffled and the only way to fix it is to restore the file from a backup. I've just gone through that ><
I know I can disable automatic numbering for indb files. But I think that should be the default option, or at least InDesign should warn me before shuffling pages automatically (and saving the file) as this may be unwanted (and can't be undone).
RY commented
If dealing with a large book file It can cause lag when editing because every time you make an edit that affects the number of pages (editing things that span columns as well) the page numbering auto updates for all the documents. Give me an option where I can control when it refreshes the page numbering throughout the book so I can edit an entire section without the lag and the update the hole book once. (maybe a reminder when I save or close the section file that it needs updating)