Remove style attributes from Style Settings in General tab
The Style settings overview is helpful, but dang would it be amazing to remove some attributes right from that box.
Sometimes something odd will get added to a style if created from existing type (such as shading bottom right corner radius). If I don't want that as part of my style, there is no way to easily remove it. If the style attributes were in a list format, not a running paragraph, you could have a delete icon next to each attribute, that could be deleted. )Take it one step further, and an edit button would take you right to that tab.)
In this shading example noted, my style settings lists shading parameters, yet shading is not even checked on in the paragraph shading tab. Its just further junk I wish I could remove instead of creating a new style and replacing this.

Petr Lozan commented
That would be great. I would suggest just Alt/Option + click on an attribute in the Style settings attribute list to remove an attribute from a style. This would be really useful when you need to restore some attribute to being ignored/inherited from Based on style. This kind of functionality would speed up creating brand identity and other kinds of InDesign templates. If you make an error and remove some attribute by mistake, the application Undo command and keyboard shortcut should add that attribute back to the style.