Download PDF in Share For review.
We want to be able to download PDF from Share for Review in Adobe CC Web. This feature was being tried out and got released accidentally and hence has been removed.
Please do it :) #GOADOBEDEVTEAM

Jane Tam commented
This is a critical function for retaining a record of reviewer feedback resolution.
Bailey Pylant commented
I receive this question from internal stakeholders and clients during nearly every review workflow. It's a point of tension and has prompted conversations about seeking alternative solutions.
Parvez Ansari commented
We lost an original file and the files shared for review is the only way we can retrieve it since its on the cloud.
Giuliano D'Angelo commented
Critical function. Never used "share for review" because clients needs to print the drafts!
Its useless without the ability to download or print -
Vadim G commented
We need a button that allows our reviewer to download the PDF.
Steph commented
Reviewers really want to download for purposes of printing most of the time. It could be a native print dialogue, too. With or without comments would also be helpful.
Tim Akeroyd commented
This would really help my workflow & the clients would be delighted...!
Danielle Catalino commented
please change this so it can be downloaded!
Justin Grey commented
This feature is critical to my business. Removing it would be a huge blow.
manjarco commented
Its possible at the moment in Firefox by hitting CMD+P.
But: having a button in the UI which works in every Browser would still be way better!
Pascal K commented
Any news on PDF download function on #Share for review"?
Dean Morrison commented
I will add my plus for this feature. When I work with other creatives and their clients they sometimes need a PDF to send to their clients.
Pascal K commented
We also miss this feature for several clients. Would also be nice if you could checkbox if you wanna have the pdf with comments or without but for the moment just the plane PDF would be great :)
Jaqueline Davila commented
Share for review is a great tool as it is. We just need a button that allows our reviewer to download the PDF, there are some clients who like to print the pdf and read it.
Jain Lemos commented
Being able to download and/or import comments from the Share for Review feature would be fantastic.
With InDesign version 16.4, several other SFR bugs have been fixed. However, several users in the Adobe Community have asked about exporting comments. Currently, the only way to do this is with your browser's print function. This provides a non-editable document but comments are retained as seen in the attached PDF.
Please look into adding comment importing or PDF downloading with edit capabilities in a future release!
I created a test document set to public access to test SFR features here if you would like to test it with your own browser:
Nadia commented
Yes please, some of my clients are begging for it, because they have trouble with multiple pages and details on their small screens and they want to be able to print the file.