Font Menu Management
Need a way for end-users to control which fonts appear in the font menu. We don't need, or want, all the Mac OS system fonts to appear in our InDesign font menu, but there is currently no way to remove them from the list. While we can sort by Favorites, this would mean we'd need to go through and mark all our corporate fonts as Favorites in order to only display them. With Apple no longer allowing removal of System fonts, application font menus are getting totally out of control. Allowing control of what is displayed from within the application seems to be the only way to work around this

IslanderGraphics commented
Not sure if any headway has been made on this, but this would be a great feature. There is one Apple font, Noto, That takes up 20% of my font list. Would be nice to be aple to turn those off
Phillips commented
Just an FYI, you can also give feedback to Apple on this subject. This wouldn't be an issue if Apple moved nonessential fonts out of the protected part of the OS and allowed us control over which fonts we want installed. Maybe if they hear from enough users they might change their thinking on this as well. Apple Feedback can be found here: