Improving the various options of footnotes
In one of the latest versions of InDesign, endnotes have undergone a significant upgrade as they have become live endnotes than static endnotes. But unfortunately, the footnotes are left far behind.
We really ask that you rewrite the footnote feature so that the following features are possible:
1) Select all the footnotes at once (by Cmd + A or Ctrl + A)
2) Option to split footnotes into a number of columns is different from the main text (not just span footnotes but complete control over the number of columns)
3) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
4) Possibility to add any decoration or title to the footnotes (and not just the 'Rule above')
5) Option for a different position of the footnotes on the page, and not just at the bottom (side notes)
6) Possibility to control the footnote settings for each story individually.
Shlomo Nizrit commented
מאוד חשוב ונצרך
ישראל commented
מאוד קריטי לספר עם הרבה הערות
Dvir Ben David commented
Very very critical
shkedia dishi commented
Very important! Its critical please help us. Thank you
ישעי' וייס commented
שיראל שרביט commented
very very important!!!
מא ר commented
In design are at the head of the latest improvements in making editing and noting easier and this will add a very lot to make a great program even better and so much more user friendly thank you
Gili Halevi commented
Must Implement
Jasmine A. commented
A must for all.
Gili Halevi commented
Must Implement
GIl Halevi-IC commented
David Hillel commented
I wish Adobe will stop ignoring us
Orit Shechter commented
Very critical
יחזקאל גרין commented
This is important for the continuation of large projects
אברומי commented
זה מאוד מאוד קריטי הנושא הזה
פשוט אי אפשר להסתדר בלי זה
ולכן אני נאלץ לעבוד בכל מיני ספרים בתוכנה אחרת,
למה שלא יהיה בתוכנה זו את כל הפונקציות? -
Anonymous commented
מאוד מאוד יועיל
דוד דרהין commented
חשוב מאוד ויועיל מאוד!
שמואל מאיר אנשין commented
זה קריטי מאוד בעימוד ספרי קודש
יצחק יוסף פחימא commented
מאוד חשוב!!!
אנא!!! -
Israel Itshakov commented
Please take care of this