Center applied style in style panels
When I click on a paragraph or character with the text tool, InDesign’s style panel automatically jumps to and highlights the paragraph or character style, which is applied to the paragraph or character.
(From now on please read the word »style« as »paragraph or character style«.)
But sadly the applied style is always shown as the very last item or the very first in the visible list of style panel. There are styles above and styles below this style in the whole list. (See »Standard-behaviour.png«.)
It’s easy to access the items above (respectively below): I simply can click on them.
But actually most of the time I need to change the style to a style, which directly lies outside the visible area below or above the applied style. So I always have to scroll first before I can select the style I need.
This is annoying! So my wish (feature request):
Please show the applied style centered in the style panel (see »My-wish.png«)!