Equation Editor for Mac OS version
It is very sad that Adobe relies so heavily on third party developer to fix issues for services that we CC subscribers pay for already. It is very dissapppointing that I have to search the internet for an app or plugin to do something that should be built into a product such as Indesign. I should not have to purchase anything that creates a function that this software should provide based on the context of what it is supposed to do. Indesign is in all forms a layout and typeset application that for the steep cost should provide the ability to layout any sort of information, even something like creating a manual that contains math equations. I should not have to purchase anything else in order to be able to put this into my publication. Again this is sad that we even have to request this function in a tool that anyone with any common sense would think would already be built into this program... please keep up with your products and what they do and the functions they should provide, especially since you want me to pay monthly.