Detect metric system and offer A4, millimeters
It's pretty simple to detect the user country via the OS, so it would be very handy to start indesign with A4 and millimeter units, instead of letter and inches.
Currently, having a fresh install of inDesign, the default page size is letter. To start a new document with A4 is cumbersome. Not good at all, considering that the biggest part of the world uses the metric system and A-sized pages.
Forcing imperial units has no benefits at all, it only annoys the users outside US and Canada.

Andrew Clarke commented
Absolutely agree. No one else in the world using imperial measurements for our work, not even the UK. And it is not just the page size, it the 12.7mm measure that is half an inch all the way through. It would not be hard for all of the Creative Suite to just have a metric v imperial setting and all the defaults - including the pages that appear as the defaults - would be useful to the rest of the world.
Iain Anderson commented
100%, just about to suggest the same thing. Every InDesign course I teach, I need to show all my students how to change this properly, by closing down all their documents and then changing preferences and Document Setup. Picas are a nightmare default.