Fold marks in export settings for spreads
I work with cover spreads quite a bit....3 facing pages. Back Cover-Spine-Front Cover. The printer I work with, a very large commercial printer, requests fold marks on the spine. They want them the same size/offset as the outer crop marks. When you have a spread and you check "crop marks" in the export settings, InDesign puts marks on the spine that are smaller and offset further away from the trim than the outer marks. They really do no good. I think it would be extremely beneficial if there was a "Fold Mark" option in the export settings for when you have a spread with a perfect bound spine. Setting them up manually is a bit of a pain when you have many to do.

Jon commented
Please add an offset setting for the fold marks when outputting a pdf in spreads!
Adam commented
Attached is an example of how InDesign currently exports the spine marks. You can see they are shorter and sit further away from the trim than the outer marks. I realize this is to indicate they are not trim marks but they are really not helpful when you are exporting a cover spread. It would make more sense to me for them to not show up at all on the spine, to show up the same size as the outer marks, or to have an option to make fold marks on a page that you designate as the spine.