Nested Styles - Add more options to apply them to END of a paragraph
When creating a nested style, the only options we have for its activation point are [through] *** or [up to] ***. This means they're designed to have an affect only at the START of a paragraph, and to work only from left to right. This is very inflexible, and it's frustrating to work around, especially if we want particular style variation to occur somewhere at the END of paragraph.
It would be really helpful if in addition to the two existing options, you added ones like [after] or [after first instance of] or [after nth instance of] or [before last instance of] [after last instance of].
This would allow painless styling of things that occur at the END of a paragraph, like an endmark, or icon, or closing quotation mark for example.

Evan commented
Scott—Thank you for pointing that out! Indeed, GREP styles look perfect for this... I use GREP all the time in find/change but somehow had no idea GREP styles existed.
Scott Falkner | ACP commented
This can already be accomplished using the more powerful, but more complicated, GREP Styles.