Export HTML keep set names for text anchors
When exporting to HTML, the process removes all text anchor naming from InDesign and renames them chronologically (e,g. _idTextAnchor002). This is very frustrating when you want to keep nice, logical names for user navigation, or set an anchor to be referenced externally. Currently, make new anchors links in the document changes other anchors links (i.e. if you place an anchor link between the 1st and 2nd link, that link takes on the id and name for the 2nd link, and all other links get pushed so 2nd becomes 3rd, 3rd becomes 4th). This is terrible if users what to share anchor links, as an update can possibly change where the anchor points to.
I would like the Text Anchors to keep the name set in InDesign. Being able to select/deselect this option when Exporting HTML would be a good implementation, if there was potential for naming conflicts on export.