Sub-folder grouping master pages
Implement a more robust system for grouping and organizing master pages. Current the long list view is cumbersome, and has limited view options (aside from the thumbnail size). A sub-folder system would allow for more truncated views of page groups that fit better in defined sets.

Torben Anderson commented
It is a must have
Alison commented
Totally agree. Same client, three publications. Subtle differences. The times I've been up and down the list knowing it's there somewhere but unable to find it!
Timothy Baker commented
And then to be able to view only the pages in the document where that master has been applied
Anonymous commented
This would be amazing, totally agree. You can do it with Paragraph Styles, why not Pages too??
Susan Littleton commented
Grouping/subgroups completely agree, and a faster way to rename them. Right+Click rather than going through the laborious Right+Click then scroll tho Master Options, then pop-up to rename. I have many pages with different styles for publications and each style has to change based on the content applied to the page.
pia commented
Totally Agree.
It would be really helpful 2 have some folders for organized files. Sometimes i've so much master pages... its hard to scroll the whole list. It would be also awesome, if there would be a search or filter function (this would be also great for character formats) -
Lisa commented
I also agree that this feature would be extremely helpful!
laura commented
i agree that master page folders would be very helpful--but as or even more helpful for me would be the ability to group the document pages in a way that you could collapse each section of the document, in one document, without having to create a book. folders would work too.
i.e., in Numbering & Section Options, when you start a new section, you could have the option to expand or collapse all the pages behind the first page in the section in order to be able to jump to another place in the document without spinning and spinning and spinning the mouse wheel.
Anonymous commented
This is SO frustrating!!! Photoshop has the ability to group layers... this is what I want to do with pages! So frustrating how Adobe's creative suite products are not more cohesively designed.
Anonymous commented
Couldn't agree more! Please give us folder options for Master pages Adobe!!
Anonymous commented
Could not agree more, especially when creating documents for clients. There is no easy or straight forward way to group your masters into sections. Which honestly mind-blowing. For example, I would like one folder of masters that are Title Pages, one folder that is different layouts, etc.
Instead you're just like here. There's 75 master pages in that list, what you are looking for is somewhere in there..