Find font should allow the use of character styles
When I import a Word file and preserve local formatting some text comes through as an unrecognized font because the local style applied to the text does not match the style available in the family.
For example there is some text that is Calibi Italic. My body copy uses Frutiger LT Std and the italic version is Frutiger LT Std 56 Italic. InDesign has styles the text as Frutiger LT Std Italic, so it is pink and uses the wrong font.
Find/Change does not allow me to search for a style that does not exist. I cannot search for Frutiger LT Std Italic. So I am forced to use Find Font to correct the formatting.
In Find Font I cannot replace with a character style, I can only replace with a font. It would be very useful to allow me to replace found text with a character style. Without this feature I have to make the change then use Find/Change to apply a character style to the text.