CC library items - update placed instances after editing library item
This applies to elements created within InDesign and then added to CC Libary.
If I place instances of the library item into an InDesign document, those instances are not updated if I edit the library item.
In other words it would be helpful if placed library items would update as they do with the old version of InDesign Library.

Franck Payen commented
That's the behaviour we have with Illustrator files IN Illustrator :
a. - drag an Ai file to an Ai canvas, from a CCLib, you just placed a linked file.
b. - ALT-drag the Ai file (into Ai, from the CCLib), you placed the vectors.a is editable, b is embedded in the document.
Same thing in Ps : drag is smart object (and linked), alt drag is pixel layers.
I'm surprised of that choice for inDesign.