transparent table strokes
Currently, when we want to make transparent gaps between cells, we have to do very complicated workarounds like extra empty cells doing the job of transparent strokes, which makes the table very inflexible.
It would be very good if it was possible to make cell strokes transparent. Another option could possibly be to add a cell gap property to tables, like we have in HTML - this gap would always be transparent.
A third option would be if transparency could be made to work on tables, like it does on all frames. Then we could, for instance, set a white stroke and choose Multiply as the blending mode for the stroke, which would render it transparent. Transparency would also be a very good addition to table design in itself.

Matt commented
I agree but can we please have transparent stroke/outlines for objects AND tables. Currently if no colour is applied to an object's fill the object remains and is effectively transparent. If we apply no colour to a stroke/outline it mandatorily also becomes a width/thickness of zero. If you could extracate zero-width attribute from no-colour then perhaps the stroke of an object and/or table cell could have the same transparency as a fill that has no colour applied. Would save a tonne of time and work-arounds.