Need a Tab with GREP/Style Change setting instead of just decimal
SHORT DESCRIPTION: A new type of tab which will accept multiple align characters in a GREP-like statement and/or align on a style change.
The video provides a longer description. In tables involving figures and footnotes, a decimal tab is often not enough. What if the footnote is a number, or the footnote is surrounded by parenthesis? These are things which our clients specify for tables in the financial reporting industry, but apply to other industries as well.
If we could specify multiple characters to align upon, in a GREP-like "or" statement, that would help. Or the ability to align on a style/formatting change, which would be good to include in the GREP-like statement as well.
This is valuable to us because it means our financial tables could be set up much faster and cleaner, instead of the trick we use now (align on zero-width characters, inserted mostly via script).

Anonymous commented
Great idea! Would save a lot of work!