Increase Default Offset crop marks to .125 in
When you create a PDF from InDesign, the Default Offset for the Marks and Bleeds is .0833 in. Why is that, when the usual minimum bleed is .125 in. Yes, we can change it. But do you know how many people change it? ...not many.

Tony Morgan commented
I agree. InDesign 19.2. Adobe, please fix this, this is absolutely ridiculous! Crop marks should be .125" Offset to match .125" Bleed settings.
I can see a metric user wanting them to be 4 mm offset IF their bleed setting is 4 mm, but .0833" puts them inside U.S. Bleed.
Paul Hibbert commented
I completely agree. This really gets to me.
There are no circumstances whatsoever in which it is a good idea to have the crop marks inside the bleed. Not one. Not EVER.
It’s there when you print anything or export a PDF from InDesign, Illustrator, PhotoShop … and it should be an easy fix. What I DON’T understand is why Adobe doesn’t set the defaults to stop this happening.
Erik Van der Veken commented
Yes it would really be handy if they were just adjustable, in the default setting preferences. Just like the bleed space... Thanks!!
Dan commented
No print producer on earth wants crop marks in the bleed. No one can make use of 0.0833 in as the default crop setting. Marks should offset automatically to the same distance as the bleed setting.
zikko commented
feature request.
Kindly change the trim marks offset default to at least 0.125" instead the default of 0.833".
Most designers have no clue about the finishing of a job.
when the trim marks offset is less than the 0.125" (bleeds standards in North America is 0.125" minimum), the trim marks will run inside the bleeds which risks of them showing when imposing a 48pg+ book/magazine towards the centre of the book due to shingling.
Us Prepress people always (or at least the ones that know what they're doing) always remove all trim marks from all pages using "Pitstop" then add the marks at the correct offset.