Export In Size
It would be nice when we export in PDF or JPG to specify a size in MO to limit the size. And the compression automatically adjust to respect the size we've entered.
It would avoid us to go on websites like IlovePDF to compress files.
Kind regards.
Philip Seaton commented
This would be so useful. I often produce web content (static banners/social media posts) that needs exporting to a specific file size/limit depending on the different platforms and it's very tedious to have to run these by Photoshop just to end up wih proper quality. Most of the time I export 16 pages/different sizes and formats at once.
Also, Adobe - please fix the unusable JPG export quality. If I want a file in 72 dpi I first have to JPG-export it in 300 dpi THEN import it to Photoshop THEN reduce it to 72 dpi and save it to keep proper quality. *loud sigh*