CC Libraries and data merge
Please enable @datafields to work with asset names in CC libraries or at least open up the CC Libraries to scripting the way normal Libraries are. I have client assets spread over several libraries and the ability to add them programatically on/after a datamerge in some way would be invaluable.

ELLIS Humphres commented
Adding AEM and CC Libraries to Data Merge would be a welcome addition to Indesign. It would also be nice to be able to specify a Parent Page in the data file. So each record could be given a Parent Page to merge into. Data Merge in general is LONG overdue for an overhaul. I mean, it's nice that we can use ai to generate a typeface that looks like a twelve headed rabbit, but production tools need love, too.
Joe A (Sykres) commented
I can't believe I wasted so much time creating my libraries only to find out Data Merge is a half-finished feature. Why on earth can we not do this?
Franck Payen commented
One vote here too, thinking of a yearbook or even logos, sharing visuals that are nicely stored in CC libraries would really be practical.
Workaround so far is to export the cclib, unzip it, rename, reorder visuals… takes ages and is tricky + you have to do it when someone updates your library with new faces/logos.
Anonymous commented
Agree please add cc data merge